A real man

Guillermo is an eighty-year-old neurosurgeon who is used to his wife, María, taking care of him as every “macho” man expects. His only daughter, Nuria, lives in another city and does not maintain a good relationship with him. However, the sudden death of his wife will force him to rethink his sexist values, which are a result of his upbringing.

Technical information

Director: Liteo Pedregal

Screenwriter: Roberto Alfaro y Liteo Pedregal

Producer: Yadira Ávalos

Film producer: Naif Films

Original language: Spanish

Gener: Drama

Format: Feature film

Duration: 90


Filming begins: 30/06/2025

Filming end: 01/08/2025

Total budget: 1.000.876 €

Budget secured: 500.876 €

Institutional support:


Liteo Pedregal


Selected in 2016 by the Berlinale Talents program, Liteo Pedregal has directed Imago (2004), broadcast on CANAL+, La hégira (2011), with the support of the ICAA and broadcast on the BBC, La quinta dimensión (2013), with the support of the Community of Madrid or Alimezher (2020), also with the support of the Community of Madrid, awarded at the Madrid Film Festival – PNR, among others, and recently broadcast on CANAL SUR. He is currently preparing his first feature film as director, Un hombre de verdad.


Naif Films

1. Ahí, dentro (Manuel Castillo)
2. Capaces (Peris Romano)
3. Sauerdogs (Oscar nominee)
4. Loca (María Salgado, Goya nominee)
5. Tal vez (Arima León)
6. Todo lo que no sé (Ana Lambarri)
7. Un hombre de verdad (Liteo Pedregal, with the support of TeleMadrid)

Yadira Ávalos


Yadira Ávalos is a Canarian producer (Berlinale Talents 2014). Among her projects, Ahí, dentro, (Manuel Castillo), Capaces (Peris Romano), Oscar nominee Sauerdogs, Goya candidate Loca (María Salgado), Tal vez (Arima León), Todo lo que no sé (Ana Lambarri), and Un hombre de verdad (Liteo Pedregal), with the support of TeleMadrid.